Friday, December 16, 2016

Grass is Growing

The Hondas are piling up at work and I've been putting in some long nights. Mostly I've been in the plants, so my knitting time has been rather meager, but last night I was back on the dock and the knitting was good!!  
I got the 2nd sleeve started, so hopefully tonight will be another dock night!
The puppies love the snow, but hesitate to jump in the deep end! 

Chica is adorable - she found this little stone before the snow came down. She noses/paws it off the edge of the loveseat, then fetches it and starts all over again. It's quite amusing. 

I need to start getting myself organized. The kids are coming for Xmas dinner next weekend, and I am going to cook all the things. Can't wait to have all my ❤️💖❤️ under the same roof, even if it's only for one night. 

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