Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rosie snorts Cocaine

It's true!! I've really become a fan of the view since Rosie started 'moderating' - although she's so funny

that I have a hard time reconciling her in any position that could be described as 'moderate'. So anyway, yesterday Rosie brought on these cans of Cocaine - a new energy drink - to discuss whether or not she was the only one who thought that the name was inappropriate. Joy made the point that the name is no worse than Coke. Barbara said that Rosie just gave them more advertising than they could have ever paid for - for free. Rosie takes a sip of it (something about the taste of pink drinks - I'm sold! I love cream soda) then brings it up to her nose and sniffs it - to make like she's snorting cocaine. The problem freakin' hilarious bit was - it being a carbonated beverage and all - she sniffed up little cocaine bubbles!!! Her eyes started watering and she couldn't pull it together. At first I think that the other ladies thought that she was just doing a bit, then when they realized that she was in some discomfort really got in on the laughter. And we were all laughing with Rosie, not at her.
Lesson Learned: Don't snort Cocaine - or any other carbonated beverage.

Here is Amanda's grade 4 teacher - Mrs. Zupancic. She seems to be a very nice teacher with whom Amanda is very taken. Miss Hopson (gr. 3 teacher) is so last year!!

Amanda is always affronted when I tell her that I don't want her to sleep in my bed with me. She tosses and turns, flings her arms and legs about with abandon. "I'll lay still ... I pro
mise" Here is proof of which I speak. Would you volunteer to sleep with that? That was rhetorical you freak! This picture will not be shown in the family album until she has a ring on her finger - I don't want to go scaring off any promising suitors.

The lengths that I wil go to for my friends. I love Ada so much that I will drink a case of Smirnoff Ice just so that
I can give her a 100-minute calling card. And I did it twice. This is the kind of sacrifice that true friends make for each other.

And after 18 years we were due for a new tv. Please
welcome this Sharp 37" LCD to the family - we all love him very much. It's a bit more than I had intended on getting/spending, but it's going to be so totally worth it!!! (Yes, I believe that that is Megatron the Original. Kerwyn loves his Saturday morning cartoons.)

Still knitting - still secret! I am going to make some serious in-roads on stuff this weekend.

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