Friday, December 2, 2005

My Day

Amanda had a PA Day today, but once again the poor dear had to be hauled out of bed to drive the bus. I do feel a bit badly for her, then the feeling goes away as soon as she starts with the "Canya buy me...? Can I have ...? But I nee-ee-ee-ed it!"
We had her 1st term interview this morning - it went very well. It was one of those "student directed" affairs (Kerwyn is not a fan) and she presented her work very well. Her teacher (the much loved Miss Hopson) had no problems, issues or concerns. A nice start to the day.

Then we went into Barrie to get grocery at Costco. The weather was fair when we went in, but while we were in there (time lost all meaning after the first 100 "no, no, NO"s) it had turned into a serious squall. sigh Pack groceries quickly, brush off van, deep calming breath ...

and onto negotiating through several seriously fucked-up poorly planned intersections at the 400 & Molson Park Drive. I mean, someone must have had no other outlet for their depraved sadistic tendencies when they put up so many traffic lights, so close together without any obvious timing between said lights. But I really needed to get some beverages (wink, wink) that w
eren't available at the Angus LCBO, so it was do or die. Negotiating these few intersections during the middle of the day during the week is a challenge (and believe me, that is an understatement). Going there on a weekend, getting a parking spot (without having your child get out & run to an empty space and stand there to hold it), trying to get what you needed (you don't go there on a mere whim!), - and God forbid that you should require the teensiest bit of assistance from some uninterested, lazy, putting-in-time&watching-the-clock, "hunh? who-me?" kid - manoeuvre your vehicle back into the outbound lane of the parking lot, turning onto Molson Park then immediately crossing 3 lanes in 2 short blocks to get to the 400 on-ramp (while everyone else is either determined to stay in their lane and have dangerously f-uped issues about the personal space around their car or are making their own single-minded beeline across the same 3 lanes in the opposite direction) is a task worthy of being added to the Twelve Labours!!

But to the victor go the spoils - Ada & Jocelyn will be very happy to know that I am fully prepared to entertain them in a fine style. They are coming tomorrow to play with me!! We are going to Knitters Bazaar & Legacy Books (a very excellent used book store) for a little adventure then settle in for as much show-and-tell, knitting, laughing & drinking as
we can! This thought has gotten and contiunes to get me through the stressful bits of my days.

Amanda is met up with her friend Jenny (whose mom also drives bus) and they played in the snow. Yes, winter is back again! The forecast indicates that it is here for the next week at least - the girls were very happy.

Jenny invited Amanda over and then called to ask to stay for a sleepover. (I saw that one coming!!) I just went to pick her up. They had been playing hard and Jenny has a rabbit. Amanda was pretty wheezy & had the sense to ask to come home. She okay - nothing that puffers, a warm bath & fresh out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookiers can't cure! I just hope that kitty fur & bunny fur ar
e sufficiently different.

I was able to get the kitchen & bathroom cleaned before I went for Amanda.
There are just a few cleaning tasks left, some laundry & prep cooking to do tomorrow morning to be totally prepared to sit & relax with Ada & Jocelyn.

Kyle did his HT today and most of the listed homework so I let him go out with Josh (the older) and Justin to Justin's hockey game. Josh is then going to sleep over here. Maybe Kyle will be able to Tom Sawyer Josh into helping with some of his jobs tomorrow!! lol

The knitting content today is limited to what is in this picture. It was not intentionally posed there, so I'm especially grateful that it's there! At the top left of Kyle's head is one of my Noro Silk Garden Beanies. The blue & white object is my Cross Country Chullo. It has been put to good use already this year & garners it's share of compliments - especially from non-knitters! To the untrained eye, there is a fugly green & black striped scarf. To the discerning, well-read knitter it is obviously the Alien Scarf from Stitch 'n Bitch.

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